Thursday 24 January 2013


So, today I weighed-in for the 3rd time as part of my 5 Stone Challenge.  As you know from the entry below, this week had been going really well, up until Saturday, where I attended a friend’s wedding and ended up drinking a whole lot of wine….and when I say a lot, I mean A LOT!

All things considered, I expected to have put on a few pounds this week, but when I stepped on the scales, it turns out I’ve remained the same weight as last week, so I’ve still lost a total of 21lbs.  Of course, not making progress is frustrating, but it has actually taught me a valuable lesson, which is that it’s okay to go off plan sometimes.  Infrequent events, like weddings, are opportunities to let your hair down, de-stress and enjoy the party with friends or family.  It’s events like the wedding last Saturday which create amazing memories and, as long as they are infrequent, you can counter-balance your increased calorie intake by getting straight back on the diet and exercising a little more.  At some stage, after the challenge is complete, I am going to need to create a lifestyle where I maintain a stable, healthy weight long-term, so this is a lesson for me.

Anyway, today’s been a good day.  I’ve had the usual porridge for breakfast, some sweet potato and chilli soup for lunch and some homemade chicken and vegetable soup for dinner.  I’m trying to be extra good before the next wedding I have to attend this coming weekend.  Wish me luck!!

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