A journalist asked me before Christmas if I was planning to eat everything I wanted over the festive break to get it out of my system and I recall saying that my plan was to not hold back, but not be outrageously greedy – I think my exact words were “moderation is the key”. Well, I can confirm that there has been no such moderation shown in the Murphy household this Christmas and it would seem that gorging was actually the key!
For the first time, I agreed to host Christmas at my house for my extended family. When people started to arrive on Christmas Eve, they did ask if I had insider information on a forthcoming war which required m
e to stockpile so much food. That’s just the way we tend to do things in my family and it’s those habits I hope to break throughout the course of this challenge. Thankfully, I have sent people home with bags full of uneaten food to ensure it's not laying around, temping me to eat it!

After the Christmas Day and Boxing Day feasts came New Year, which involved a heavy intake of champagne to kick-start 2013 appropriately, whilst relaxing with friends. I have to say though, I’m actually feeling very ready for a change to my lifestyle and am excited about the start of the challenge on 2nd January.
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