Today’s been a normal day for me. Back on the porridge for breakfast, soup for lunch and dinner is an unknown surprise at the moment as I have a Governor’s meeting which is expected to end very late this evening, so may try and grab some fruit to take with me to keep me going! I have to confess though, I feel exhausted. The jetlag from Mexico is the worst I’ve ever had and I have a cold too, so generally feeling sorry for myself…and when I feel sorry for myself, I crave comfort foods.
I think I’ve mentioned on my blog before, prior to the start of this
challenge, I had a very unhealthy relationship with Hellman's mayonnaise. I couldn’t get enough of it and would try and work it into my daily intake of calories any which way I could. It was most definitely my Achilles heel, which is why I made the decision to cut it out of my diet altogether rather than attempt to ration my intake and end up getting overruled by the need to quench by greed.
Now that I’m feeling more secure in my diet and exercise regime, my mind wondered whether there was any way to introduce a mayonnaise substitute which was healthier. I have to confess, I was stunned when I looked properly at the contents of a jar of ‘Real Mayonnaise’ - 100 calories per 14g tablespoon and 11g’s of that is fat! There is clearly a massive difference in the ‘Light Mayonnaise’ which is 40 calories per 15g tablespoon of which 4g’s are fat, but the taste and texture is very different and I’m not a big fan. 
Over the next few weeks, I’m planning to trial a whole range of alternatives, from avocado (like a guacamole), greek yogurt, sun-dried tomatoes, hummus, pesto, Nayonaise and aioli. If any of you have any other suggestions though, I’m willing to give anything a shot. I really can’t stand dry food and if I can find a sauce which works for me, I’ll be a very happy man!