On Friday, I attended a wedding, but was very well behaved. I didn’t drink, I didn’t eat and I only stayed for a few hours before giving my apologies. From previous experience, weddings and I just don’t mix well, so I think I have to resign myself to the fact that weddings forever more must be judged on the basis of ‘all or nothing’.

Saturday I caught up with some family, then in the evening caught up with an old friend. We went for dinner locally to the Clocktower Restaurant and I was pretty good on the food front (olives as an alternative starter, followed by a grilled chicken breast and vegetables). The owner of the restaurant is a friend of mine, so she joined us towards the end of our meal and kept bringing over peach bellinis, which I enjoyed very much! We then decided to pop into a local nightclub called Club One9Five and really spent a good 4 hours dancing until we couldn’t dance any more. It was great fun and I managed to stick to vodka and tonic, so relatively well behaved given the highly tempting surroundings!
On Sunday, we went for breakfast in a fantastic local coffee shop Belgique and

In the week ahead, I hope to keep focused on the food and really get in some good exercise. I hope you’ve all had enjoyable weekends too.
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