It's amazing how quickly you feel better about yourself when you return to a healthier way of living. I honestly do believe a lot of it is psychological. If I had a penny for every time someone has asked me ‘Do you feel better for the weight loss?’ the charity coughers would be overflowing! The truth is I actually don’t feel any different to when I started. I obviously noticed the weight loss in my clothes, having gone down 8 sizes and I also notice a difference in my physical ability when exercising, but I don’t feel a massive change overall, as so many people seem to suggest will come at some stage. Of course, that may have something to do with the fact that I’m still overweight, even though I have lost 3 and a half stone, and I still have a long way to go. I do, however, feel positively towards knowing that when I am dieting and exercising I am doing the right thing, not only for my own health and future, but also in raising money for the Dream Factory charity.
I’ve also been thinking about ways to ensure I remain focused on the challenge for the rest of its duration and came across a new American study, which suggests that people who attend regular dieting groups across a 3 month time scale lost an average of 8.6lbs compared to those going it alone who lost an average of 1.8lb. They weighed the same group again after 6 months and those in the group lost an average of 10.1lbs compared to the solo dieter who had actually put an average of 5lbs on! Thankfully, I use my blog and social media to continue to communicate with other dieters which is much like a dieting community for me. When life gets busy and I stop blogging seems to be the time when I also stray from the diet plan, so the key from now on in is to keep blogging, regardless of what else is going on!
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