You can never truly understand the overwhelming burden which is placed on a family of a terminally ill child - be it financial, psychological or physical. The way in which everything that seems so perfect and normal can be completely turned on its head to make the things which you thought were important pale into insignificance. To have a helping hand in a person's hour of need which allows them to make the most of time they have left with their child is surely one of the greatest gifts we can give? 

But the harsh reality is, charity work is extremely expensive. The requests for help that flood into The Dream Factory’s office every day far outstrip the funding available to help. So there are families out there who are left without that helping hand and that is all I am trying to help with. It’s simple, the more money
we can raise, the more children’s dreams can come true.

It’s so simple to donate too. You can do it online via my JustGiving website, you can send a text MURF50 then the amount you want to sponsor (anything from £1) and send it to 70070 or you can call the charity directly on 020 8501 1234.
So far, with gift aid, we have raised £3,197.50, but with your help, we can and must do better. Whatever you can afford to give will be gratefully received. Thank-you.
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