We have also managed to raise just over £2,000.00 in less than 48 hours, which is astonishing. I’m not entirely sure whether this is a testament to people concurring that this is an extremely worthy cause, or whether people don't have any faith in me completing this chellenge!!
I must say a special thank-you to everyone who has taken the time to make a donating of sponsorship so far: Adam Williams, Alex Horne, Daniel Carroll, Ray Wells, Sam Ellis, Robert & Christine Eales, Danny Cooper, James Humphreys, Jayne Boost, Laura & Tony Childs, Alex Rayner and Victoria Eales.
In addition, two friends, Chris Hazell and Dan Etherington, have agreed to sponsor me a whopping £500.00 each if I lose the full 5 stone. However, they’ve thrown the cat amongst the pigeons by saying that if I happen to lose 6 stone, instead of the agreed 5, they will donate £1,000.00 each to the Dream Factory, so let’s hope this weight falls off at a rate faster than planned!
Just another reminder that you can share the link to my JustGiving website on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other social networks very simply. Thank-you again for any help you can afford spreading the word.